Wednesday, September 16, 2009

sweet tooth - EDIT for CREDIT

so dieting really isn't too difficult for me. we don't keep snacks around the house anyways. but every once in a while i really want some sugar.

here's the solution...

1) preheat oven to 200 degrees fahrenheit

2) line a 9 x 9 pan with some foil

3) take a banana

4) cut in half lengthwise, like so ...

5) sprinkle with cinnamon

6) drizzle lightly with olive oil

7) bake for 10 minutes and enjoy!

serioulsy people.
d e l i c i o u s


Lauren said...

ooooooh!! Perfect for me. I'm having bad withdrawals....

Stephanie said...

really? i will have to try for myself.

Ashley C said...

I will be trying this... RIGHT NOW! Seriously.

Karen said...

THis looks and sounds great, I'll have to try it next time a sweet craving comes along. Thanks for the 411.

Rebecca (Foodie With Family) said...

Hi Stef,

The image you have here of the bananas being sliced in half lengthwise is a copyrighted image that I produced. Could you please contact me regarding it being on your blog?