so i've been trying to think of ways to stay motivated, and here's what i was thinking. i think i'm going to do a 90 day, (12 wk) weight loss stint. and the goal will be to blog a bit daily, and to post a pic daily.
you might have noticed the picture-less nature of this blog, well any of my blogs, actually. you'll be hard pressed to find a full-body version of myself.
but here's to accountability: starting may 3 (that's next monday) i'm going to do a daily update post with a picture of me in my skivvies. (is that how you spell skivvies?) seriously, how incredibly humiliating ... i know. but i need to do something, so i figure i'll try this and see if it works.
and "why not start it tomorrow?" you might wonder. well, it's gonna take the 5 days between now and then for me to work up the courage to show you wonderful people what i look like (eek!). that's why.
so enjoy your weekend, because monday i'm giving you the motivation to never ever eat cake again.
POST EDIT: whoa, sorry for the completely anti-climactic nature of this post. yah, a pic was NEVER posted. probably won't be for a long while ...
That's very brave of you. That should give you some motivation for sure. I'm not that brave yet. But I have taken some before pics that I plan on posting when I finally get to my goal. Good luck!
very brave indeed! i am proud of you but dont feel any pressure from your readership because this is all about your journey and your health and happiness. if this is what it takes then DO IT! if you find something else that you decide works better DO THAT TOO or instead- we will be supportive either way. :)
Still waiting for an update. :)
K woman, come on with pressure :)
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