during tuesday's yoga i totally pulled a neck/back muscle. pain. irritating. hurt to look down and to lean my head to the right. and to use the right arm.
stupid stef didn't stretch enough. duh.
so, let's be honest. i went on what was intended to be a rigorous hour long walk wednesday, because that involves no neck/back muscles. um, i made it around the block 1 3/4 times and met a neighbor who then invited me to dinner which was pizza, and she just kept putting more and more and more on my plate. i mean, what was i supposed to do? refuse it? of course not. that would make me a haole. i ate it.
and the ice cream afterwards.
so, maybe i had pizza for dinner three times this week.
at least i wrote it down in my little food book so i can show it to the doctor next month and she can say, "see right there [gesturing towards the 600 calories of all-food-groups-mixed-into-one, not-so-italian meal of tastiness]? that's why you're fat."
and then thursday i counted my rigorous floor scrubbing as my work out. friday ... um, i chased addi up and down the beach a couple times. that works, right?
oh, so that's why i'm fat, too.
better luck next week, eh?
(this is where you say, "there is no next week, fatty!"
and i laugh while my belly jiggles - the envy of every polyester-bearded, rouge-enhanced mall santa.)
You're hilarious. Seriously. Better luck next week! :)
well, i read most of the posts on that show up on this page. got older posts to read, too! i seriously love your writing! and, you said you check your posts from your iphone or what not? Go, Stefi, Go! and, that's funny she called you stefani like gwen stefani. hehe.. it's amazing how many ppl mispronounce my name. mi-ken-si. how hard is that? at any rate... keep on, keeping on! my sis went off sweets for 6 months.. it was insane how much she lost just by doing that! i don't know what it's like to crave sweets (except while being pregnant). i just don't have a sweet tooth i suppose. but, stick to cutting sweets! you can do it! :D
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